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We speak of monsters of terrible faces,

undoing favors, destroying public places

bestial entities who carry all the fault

guilty of catastrophes and evert assault.

We talk of wrongdoers, of beasts

we pronounce in numbers their threats

not being able to forget or forgive

we need to punish, no way to retreat!

We scream while fighting in justice’s name

if we get their allies, we enjoy it the same

just finding a culprit or an escaping goat

someone to absorb the guilt and its load.

We yell until we get a name to point

Non stopping until their life's destroyed,

Reflecting in mirrors hushing the voices

Taking forever all of their choices.

In silence there is no right or wrong

In daily usage it sounds like a song

If we tune it right it might sound perfect

But nothing's to fight if no one's perverted.

In hushed whispers we behave in some manner

That out in the sun would make someone sadder

But if is already said there's no way to keep it

Unless there's one to blame or to confess it.

We discuss how to end this, to make them obedient

To tame all the demons until is not convenient

Is all been said, is been placed somewhere near

Is between among us what we should most fear.

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