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I always mean what I say

It was you who didn't care

If all you were lacking was a no

Did that mean you could go?

Sleep, awake or unconscious

You take what I say when I'm conscious

If I didn't kiss you when sober

What made you think my decision was over?

A touch in my body is placed

Is not what I wanted, is crazy

Was it my fault, did I lure him?

Or did he want a love like a movie?

The rope, the rape

He snuck his snake

I don’t have a say

I only have a pair of legs.

Was my ‘no’ hiding a ‘yes’?

Is my naughty nature, I guess

You made me yours, you weren’t mine

you loved it, I’m sure. But I can’t recall.

Is it over when I wake up?

Will you pretend I wanted too?

I’ll repeat this one more time

I want you to hear me say now

No is no.

I was taught to laugh at your comments

but they make me scared at some moments

If all you can see is my body,

Why pretend that you love me?

You’re wrong, not right

Next time I’ll fight

I can’t believe

my decision you twist.

Did you hear me when I said no?

Or did you confuse it with a moan?

You took away, I couldn’t take none

Your dream was made, and mine undone

For you is me the one that asked

If I have to repeat again, is fine

Remember this next time you see

A girl that cannot say no or please

No is no.

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