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I saw a movie once

It had a man with no time

And it made me feel sad

As if that was my life

And it made me feel small

Like I'm wasting up

Opportunities, jobs

Affairs I haven't tried out at all

Careers, motherhood

Am I both or none?

Will there ever be time,

To finish what I start?

Will I ever be enough,

To fill out all the spots?

Will my last breath recall

The good or the bad

Leaning down to one side?

Will I enjoy or regret this as I fall?

I want to comb the doll's hair

I want to play once again

Keep her scent on my nose

Hear her giggle some more

Write stories on end

A day gaming spend

And new skills a day gain

In silence a whole book read

But I don't have the time

I don't have the time

My life's been on pause

And all I do is cry

But I don't have the time

I don't have the time

No time.

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